Posts tagged book donations
The Best Places to Buy Books for Book Lovers! (Hint: Not Amazon)

Looking for the best places to buy books that aren't Amazon? Here's my comprehensive guide to my favorite places to buy books to help grow your book collection at great prices and quality!

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The TOP SECRET to Packing Your Book Library

The last time I moved, I had a miserable time moving my library. I put all of it into only seven boxes that I found around the house and at least three of the boxes were impossible to move without a second person. This time around, I had nearly double the books and less help to carry the boxes around for me. It seemed like a daunting task for this hoarding bookworm and I was not looking forward to packing and/or moving my library.

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Where to Donate Your Old Books

Looking for a good place to donate your old books? Here's a couple of my favorite places to donate books with the pros and cons of donating to those locations.

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